Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Disability & the Federal Election

Canadians have been thrust into the longest elections campaign in Canadian history. As with other elections, some of the key issues where disability is concerned include inclusion of disability issues in party platforms and debates, as well as how accessible the political process is for disabled voters. Sadly on both fronts we have a long way to go.

For those interested in steps Elections Canada has taken to make voting more accessible, check out their resources and policies.  While accessibility on voting day is a part of the issue, making the political process more accessible is a larger and more complex process and there are  key barriers we must confront in order to do this.

First, we know that many disabled persons still face significant barriers that likely result in their exclusion from the electoral process. For example, those living in institutional settings, group homes, and with parents may not be actively supported in this aspect of their lives.  Antidotal evidence indicates many disabled adults are prevented form taking part in the political process because of a lack of control around decision making coupled with attitudinal barriers that falsely suggest some disabled persons are incapable of making an informed political decisions. Here it is important to note that in Canada voting is still a relatively new opportunity, for example citizens with intellectual disabilities were disqualified from voting in federal election until 1988. This means many voting-aged adults with intellectual disabilities were born at a time when their right to participate politically was not guaranteed. In addition to how this might impact how notions of citizenship and participation are internalized,  this may also influence the extent to which an individual's existing support system may value, promote, and facilitate this right.  

Second, with respect to representation, historically our major political parties have done a poor job where disability issues are concerned. In fact, accessibility and inclusion often seem more like token gestures rather than a core element within political platforms and policy design. We still lack disabled candidates on the ballot, and there are significant barriers that prevent disabled persons from volunteering in the campaign process. This means disability remains excluded from the larger political process itself. 

The barriers noted above are just the tip of the iceberg, but begin to illustrate how exclusion operates with respect to the political participation. In part though these may help explain why disabled persons are 20% less likely to vote, as well as why decreasing voter participation remains high among disabled persons

These issues do matter and making making the political process more accessible and inclusive requires work.  There is no excuse for these barriers to remain, and with ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2010, Canada has a duty to enable this political participation. The question remains, can we leverage the time granted to us under the longest election campaign in Canadian history to make sure disabled voters and their needs are fully included this time around? 

To learn more about disability and the electoral process check out the following links:  

More Than Voting Booths: Accessibility of Electoral Campaigns for People with Disabilities in Ontario (McColl, 2015).

Enabling the Voter Participation of Canadians with Disabilities: Reforming Canada’s Electoral System (Prince, 2014)

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